# Services ## DataCite Membership We are happy to announce that the GDCC has joined DataCite and now can offer DOI Client Agents to our members. For members that would like to leverage our consortium’s membership in DataCite, the following additional fees would apply: *GDCC DataCite Services Fees January-December 2024* Due to changes in the fee schedules GDCC is required to pay DataCite, an updated GDCC DOI fee schedule for the upcoming year is required. The primary change is the need to charge based on a more granular use of DOIs as the fee’s from DataCite now include an increase for use of DOIs . Below is the breakdown of the new costs. The number of DOIs will be calculated using the previous year’s usage numbers. The fees are now also organization-based. Your organization can have as many repositories as it likes. The fees are based on total DOIs used at the organizational level. For Example: UNC Chapel Hill currently has three repositories and is anticipated that we will mint over 10,000 DOIs in 2020 so our fees in 2021 would be $4,420. In 2020 our fees were $900 per repository plus a $300 excess DOI fee for a total of $3000 so we will see an increase of $1,420 as a university. In contrast most of our GDCC organizations with one repository of less than 2000 DOIs will pay $1200 which is $140 more than the 2020 rate. Please let me know if you have any questions and I can explain the impact for your organization in detail and give you the current DOI usage for your organization *2024 GDCC DOI Fee Schedule* Organizations using less than 2000 DOIs per year USD 1,200.00 Organizations using between 2000-9999 DOIs per year USD 1,800.00 Organizations using between 10,000-99,999 DOIs per year USD 4,900.00 Organizations using over 100,000 DOIs per year USD 5,800.00 *** Note: These prices include bank fees. For those who are interested please email Jonathan Crabtree at Jonathan_Crabtree@unc.edu to begin the process. ## GDCC GitHub Repositories The GDCC team helps to manage over two dozen repositories on GitHub Repository housing Dataverse-related tools and resources developed and maintained by the community. On Github, you'll find the [Dataaverse Previewers](https://github.com/gdcc/dataverse-previewers), [pyDataverse](https://github.com/gdcc/pyDataverse), [this website](https://github.com/gdcc/www.gdcc.io), and much more. If you'd like to use these tools, help to maintain and extend existing tools, or want to share additional tools with the community, check out the full list of [GDCC Community Repositories on Github](https://github.com/gdcc). ## Dataverse Repository Installation and Consulting Services GDCC can help you custom Dataverse Project development and installations. Contact Jonathan_Crabtree@unc.edu for more information. ## Open Source Outreach If you are a student or a developer interested in working on open source projects, consider contributing to the Dataverse community. We're interested in contributions of different sizes, in different languages (Java, JavaScript, Python, ...), and in textual contributions (in many human languages) as well as code. Our community members can help point you to existing issues/needs that would fit your interest and ability. You might also consider contributing to Dataverse as part of [Hacktoberfest](https://hacktoberfest.com/) - we've been active with Hacktoberfest for several years, inviting new developers to contribute to Dataverse and its related tools. (We've also participated in the [Google Summer of Code program](https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/) in 2020.)